Easter Sunday invitation from Tumut Firefighters

Published: 29th March 2010

NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB) firefighters from Tumut Fire Station are inviting the local community and holiday makers to meet them on Easter Sunday for important fire safety advice.

NSWFB Tumut Captain Michael Ivill said as well as getting to know local families, firefighters will give a timely message about smoke alarms.

"We will be at Riverglade Caravan Park again this year to spend some time with local families and holiday makers, giving them important fire prevention information.

"When people change their clocks at the end of daylight saving on Sunday (4 April) we will be urging them to take a few minutes to test their smoke alarms and change the batteries.

"Having a smoke alarm that is not working or has a flat battery is just as risky as not having one at all.  We will be available on Sunday to offer face to face advice about installing and maintaining smoke alarms.

"And the kids will be entertained as they have the chance to take a close up look at our truck and firefighting equipment.  We look forward to seeing as many people as possible on Sunday."

Firefighters will be at Riverglade Caravan Park on the Snowy Mountains Highway from 12.00pm - 2.00pm.

For more information telephone (02) 4822 9395.