Emergency Services congratulated on clean up

Published: 8th March 2010

Minister for Emergency Services, Steve Whan, congratulated members of the NSW Emergency Services who joined thousands of other Australians yesterday to help make our communities better places to live as part of national 'Clean Up Australia Day'.

Emergency Services Minister Steve Whan said teams from the NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB), the Rural Fire Service (RFS) and the State Emergency Service (SES) were out in force lending a helping hand.

"The teams from our dedicated emergency services provided manpower and  also specialist equipment and skills to access or remove difficult material," Mr Whan said.

"Clean Up Australia Day is a great opportunity for everyone in the community to do their bit to help clean up the environment.

"Our emergency services personnel our proud to play their part and work with their local communities to improve the quality of life for everyone."

RFS Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons said RFS volunteers were very pleased to have helped in the clean up.

"RFS volunteers were on hand in a number of areas to assist local communities collect waste material and safely remove it to designated collection areas".

NSW Fire Brigades Commissioner Greg Mullins said that a big part of a modern firefighter's role was about helping to protect the environment.
"Our firefighters are always working to protect the environment, by containing chemical spills in waterways and removing large debris.

SES Commissioner Murray Kear said crews assisted with Clean Up Australia Day in a number of communities around the State.

"SES personnel lead many communities on Clean Up Australia Day, lending their equipment and expertise to ensure as many areas as possible remain free of waste."

Mr Whan called on communities across the state to congratulate the Emergency Services and continue to actively support the national day.

"I know if everyone works together we can make a huge difference for our environment, and make Australia a cleaner and better place to live."