Cootamundra - Refrigerant gas leak

Published: 16th February 2010

At 8.45am on Tuesday 16 February 2010, Fire Rescue Officers from Cootamundra were called to refrigerant gas leaking inside the IGA store in Parker Street, Cootamundra. When crews arrived they discovered gas was leaking from a refrigeration plant within the store. A 100 metre exclusion zone was enforced with several surrounding shops also evacuated. Due to the nature of the gas, Fire Rescue Officers dressed in fully enclosed gas suits whilst they worked to close off the gas and ventilate the area. Fire crews from Wagga Wagga and Young also attended to assist at the incident. The flow of gas was stopped and the area declared safe at 11.00am. Workers and shoppers were allowed to return and mechanics remained on scene to repair the system. No injuries were reported.