Acid leak in Lane Cove

Published: 17th July 2009

This afternoon firefighters from Lane Cove and Alexandria Hazardous Materials unit responded to a sulphuric acid leak in Mowbray Rd, Lane Cove. Crews arrived within eight minutes to find that approximately 8000 litres of sulphuric acid had spilt in to a bunded area of an industrial complex from a broken seam in a tank. Firefighters investigated the area in spillage suits and took atmospheric readings. There were 30 employees evacuated to a safe area whilst firefighters carried out their investigations. Crews from Willoughby, Gladesville, Ryde, and Greenacre hazardous materials also assisted in the operation. Once the atmosphere was declared safe the evacuees were allowed back into the building. The acid was decanted into a road tanker and transported to another depot and 100kg of soda ash was dispersed on the remainder of the acid to neutralize it.